G'day. We are Emily Minter and Andrew Longmire. In mid-2007 we packed our motorbike into a crate and sent it from Australia across the seas. Since then we've had a brilliant 'autumn of our lives', chased south by the colour of the leaves in Europe, as well as a taste of the wet season, on the backroads of South East Asia. We have juiced the South American summer for all it's worth, cramming in as many adventures as we could...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Paracas Peninsula

There's an odd little resort at and oasis called Huacachina on this bit of Peruvian coast. Doesn't offer much, except for sand-boarding, and even that needed some spicing-up.Between the dunes of Huacachina and the smog of Lima, there is rather a lot of Pacific Coast with seemingly little to mark the passing miles. The Paracas national park seemed the only place on the map worth visiting, so we called it a day early and stocked up, eager to camp after a few weeks in hostels.

The Paracas National Park is an odd and beautiful place, like a peninsula of desert reaching out into the ocean. In the photo below, that spot in the middle ground's the bike!

Condors, pelicans and an array of other birds excited our feathery bits, and made up for the utter lack of macroscopic vegetation. Sunset was on the beach, long time since we had that experience.
We camped, went for a spin and a walk to see sealions in the morning, and luncheoned on a dish called ceviche - raw fish - before heading north again.

Chincha, a town razed by earthquake only eight months ago, was our home for the night. We chose a solid-looking little hotel, and dove into the underground parking just as night fell and the vibe became grubby.

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