G'day. We are Emily Minter and Andrew Longmire. In mid-2007 we packed our motorbike into a crate and sent it from Australia across the seas. Since then we've had a brilliant 'autumn of our lives', chased south by the colour of the leaves in Europe, as well as a taste of the wet season, on the backroads of South East Asia. We have juiced the South American summer for all it's worth, cramming in as many adventures as we could...

Friday, November 9, 2007

at home...

So far, we`ve been made to feel at home in Vientiane, London, Cambridge, Antwerp, Brussels, Wroclaw, Rome, Florence, Zurich, and most recently, Olten.

Without being asked for anything, our friends old and new have shared more than we could have imagined. It's been a lesson in hospitality - and sometimes they didn't even know we were coming!

For old time's sake and out of friendship, people have made space in their homes, in their busy lives, at times even in their own beds (having, themselves, moved into the living room)! They've invited us into their cities, shared their friends and their pets, cooked for us and let us mess up their kitchens.

There've been great conversations, history and cooking lessons, meals, walks in the park/winderness/ruins, parties and plenty of laughter. It hasn`t stopped at the houses of our friends, either - the hospitality has often extended into the homes of our friends' parents, siblings, and grandparents!

To say thanks is easy, and here it is again - now we look forward to having visitors next time we have a place to call our own home.

Much care and many thanks again,
e & a

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